Thursday, September 3, 2015

Mental Floss Mini Essay review

Mental Floss
Mental Floss is a visually stimulating and quirky website where a person can read a variety of things from historical events to the latest conspiracy theories. It never fails to please as it seems to have a little something for every and any reader. However when it comes to taking all of its information to heart, proceed with caution. Some of it's outlandish tales provide little to no credibility.  

First off, many of the articles on mentalfloss do not go into many specifics or details. Often times an article will display general facts about its subject without delving deep into research or varied scientific views. For example, the "What’s the Difference Between Dark Matter and Dark Energy?" article tells us that approximately 96% of the universe is dark matter or dark energy, but it doesn't go into detail about the ratio of these universal forces or what they do exactly. This tells me the author was not too interested in making a point or bringing the audience concise facts.

From the first time you read the title, mentalfloss immediately snaps your attention as a website that means business, making you remember what floss is and how it is used, especially in the context of the brain. Fair to it's name, it engages the reader and makes them think deeply on the topics discussed. Unfortunately, it only makes readers think and speculate, as it doesn't give enough sources or information to provide further info. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as the reader can remember that what they are reading isn't meant to be interpreted as fact, just to be thought upon. Mentalfloss therefore succeeds in its purpose to entertain and delight, but falls short in it's quest to provide reliable information.


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